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We are offering three special packages for EWAS participants. Digital Transformation for your organization is unique to your specific needs, objectives, and current status. This is an ongoing and dynamic process, and we are here to help.

The first step in this process is an organizational assessment. This can be a stand-alone intuitive or the first step in implementing change. We also offer customized coaching.  The assessment and coaching can be done virtually – the implementation is best done with an on-site visit.

We know how large of a task this is because we've done it before. If you feel your organization can benefit from our services or just want to learn more - please reach out!

I look forward to speaking with you personally to discuss your goals, needs and situation and then seeing you at EWAS! 

Therese Costich, President and Founder Costich Group 


Organization Assessment of Digital Transformation Needs


The Assessment will provide the basis for how you move forward whether with The Costich Group or otherwise. This may be done on-site or virtually.

  • ​The principle team member of the Costich Group will assess the organization on the readiness and depth of pivoting digitally. 

  • Interviews will be conducted with several individuals, process owners, and functional teams across the organization, both horizontal and vertical, regarding their current baseline and the challenges.


Key personnel representing vertically different functional departments across your organization (Marketing, Sales, HR, Distribution, Operations, Finance, Supply Chain, etc). ​

  • Note: Functional personnel is not limited to one per function, but rather a cross section of the function.


2 – 3 days depending on the size organization and number of remote locations.


Regular price is $6,500 initial day plus $3,500 per additional day.

  • There is an additional $1,000 discount if bundled with the Facilitation Package.

  • Travel expenses not included if done on-site.


EWAS Special - pricing is $5,000 initial day and $1,900 per additional day if booked before EWAS or $5,500 initial and $2,500 per day if booked at the conference

Organizational Facilitation of the Digital Transformation Roadmap


Attendees will actively participate in the development of the detailed strategic and tactical plan of the organization’s digital transformation.  The workshop will be facilitated by the Costich Group, providing guidance, and helping the teams overcome any roadblocks or challenges as they identify their current state, future (or ideal) state and gaps to digitally pivot the organization.


  • Upper Management with decision making authority and working knowledge of their functional areas

  • Process owners with working knowledge of the functional areas operating baseline and capabilities

  • Vertically functional personnel who know or understand the integral part of the organization and its operation


Typically 2 – 3 days depending on size of the organization and number of remote locations.


By the end of this workshop, the organization will have a detailed description of each functional areas current state, ideal state, a detailed tactical plan on achieving their ideal state, understanding challenges and how to overcome the challenges, completing a risk assessment of any potential issues that may arise during the organization’s transformation and an action plan to move forward.


Regular price is $7,500 for 2 days plus $3,500 per additional day.

  • Travel expenses not included

EWAS Special - pricing is $5,000 for 2 days if purchased with the assessment

Executive Coaching


Executive Coaching is designed to facilitate the Digital Transformation Roadmap that is outlined in the Field Guide with the Executive Leadership Team.  The leadership team will develop an understanding of the organization’s baseline, or current state, allowing them to develop a strategy for their digital transformation needs and path. This is done pursuant to the Assessment.  This is focused on a higher level versus specific approach.


  • Executive leadership team

  • Chief Transformation Officer

  • Those responsible for software and technology decisions


2 days – 1 day to start, 2nd day as follow-up with final or close to final strategic plan and tentative tactical plan (or high level tactical plan)


  • By the end of this workshop, the leadership team will identify a strategic plan that will allow their organization to pivot digitally meeting, or exceeding, their internal and external customers’ needs and expectation.

  • The leadership team will identify the “chief transformation officer” who will oversee the digital transformation for the entire organization

  • The leadership team will identify the “champions” in their organization, representing each functional area, that will develop a tactical plan regarding the digital transformation.  These individuals will actively participate in the Organization Facilitation of the Digital Transformation Roadmap.


Regular Price is $9,000 

  • Travel expenses not included

EWAS Special - $5,900 plus Travel if booked Prior to EWAS or $6,900 plus Travel if booked at the event.         

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