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  • Is digital transformation about adding technology to existing processes?
    No, digital transformation is much more than just adding technology. Digital transformation takes 3 critical components into consideration and how they interact with one another. The critical components are people, process and technology.
  • Is digital transformation about digitizing manual records?
    Digital transformation is about pivoting digitally and is much more than just digitizing records. It is a platform that links the entire organization together so there is a single point of truth at the speed of thought.
  • What is the industrial standard ROI for undergoing a digital transformation?
    ROI is different for every organization globally. The biggest question is though, what is the cost of NOT pivoting digitally. Those organizations that do not embrace this industrial disruption most likely will not find themselves in existence by 2030.
  • My organization has not even done lean six sigma, do we need to have a lean six sigma initiative before we transform digitally?"
    No, Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is a set of tools, methodology, and discipline of continous improvement. Digital transformation is an organization pivoting digitally for on-going success. The two initiatives are different. LSS is not necessary for an organization to survive, however, the benefits of LSS will lower cost of poor quality and drive efficiency for financial benefit and customer satisfaction.
  • Should hospitals and healthcare organization undergo a digital transformation?
    Every organization globally should undergo digital transformation and pivot digitally. Hospitals and healthcare organizations are not immune to the digital disruption that exist in our world today and will only continue at a faster pace in the future. Healthcare, like other industries such as financial services, need to maintain data compliance and governance due to patient information. This can easily be taken into consideration when developing the platform for the digital transformation.
  • No one in my organization is tech savvy so where do we begin?
    It is ok if no one is tech savvy. The first step of digital transformation is recognizing the need to pivot digitally. The next step is to hire someone (qualified digital transformation officier, consultant, etc) who can facilitate a strategic and tactical plan taking into consideration where the organization is performing and operating currently and where the organization would like operated ideally. This starts the foundation of the strategic and tactical planning process.
  • Does every functional area of an organization need to undergo a digital transformation?
    Yes, every functional area should undergo a digital transformation for the organization to operate in the most efficient matter. Not only does each functional area need to embark on digital transformation, but this effort should be done company-wide at the same time with all areas represented in the strategic and tactical planning process. This is NOT just something that IT is responsible for - every one needs to have ownership and accountability in order for it to be successful and truly part of the organization's DNA long term.
  • How long is a typical digital transformation journey for a medium size company?
    It depends on what the current state of operations are for the organization and what the ideal state they hope to achieve with a digital transformation. Remember, transformation is dynamic, not static. There also is no cookie cutter approach as no two organizations are alike neither are their ideal goals and gaps between their current state and ideal state.
  • How does my organization begin a digital transformation?
    First, by recognizing that your organization needs to pivot digitally. Then, understand the organization's current state and their ideal state once they pivot digitally. This will start the foundation of developing a strategic and tactical plan. This is not easy and to be done correctly, it will take time, effort and collabration across the entire organization. This is also a dynamic process with multiple iterations. An organization needs to think bigger of what is truly possible, expand its strategic horizon and have the resilience to stay on the offense.
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